zaterdag, september 02, 2006


ANTONIO PESSOA - The 21th century Fox

The NEW ERA, Antonio Pessoa 2006 ia a Must,a highly recommendable collection of the artist's latest projects.
It doesn't seem to be pretentious to the point of struggling to show the world something new,whatever that means.

The NEW ERA , Antonio Pessoa 2006,it's a natural effortless display of ideas overflowing in his hiper-creative mind,not only with decorative purposes but essentialy aiming to reach his own perception of emotions through constructive conceptual compositions,pleasant to the eyes and real-genuine to our hearts.

The NEW ERA, Antonio Pessoa 2006 is right now available to anyone who enjoys high quality Art,a collection breaking up with the past but not yet breaking the rules.
For Antonio Pessoa doesn't feel the need to break the rules in order to express himself,he doesn't need to break the rules to gain publicity at all costs.
He leads his life and his work with no need to rush,taking life as it comes and creating on a daily basis as a religious ritual of his own.
Definitely a cool guy in the contemporary Art scene.

Arthur Zimmerman - Salzburg,at

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