zaterdag, september 02, 2006

the team - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

Antonio Pessoa - - the contemporary Art wizard

Contemporary Art reviewing requires a daily basis continuous information research.The endless amount of Art galleries and artists increases the difficult task of being more or less up dated and able to have a reasonable general idea,realistic enough to make sense.
In this universe of tendencies one might consider the ultimate possibility of going backwards and sit on the comfortable upholstered chair of the twentieth century Great Masters,such as Francis Bacon,Andy Warhol,Jackson Pollock,Botero,Kandinsky and Picasso.
Nevertheless,new contemporary Art after all provides me with many positive aspects of legitimate artistic expression,such as Antonio Pessoa.
Antonio Pessoa's remarkable talent is very probably one of the most reliable references of contemporary Art.
Totally devoted to his unmutable belief,he naturally manages to keep away of the struggling crowd,being effortlessly admited in the major highest elitist Art circles while his art works get a high rank circulation status of the classic phenomenon in this particular case leading to be part of the new century's Art History.
Despite the good and the bad critics,Antonio Pessoa keeps on the right track simply by following the nature of his belief,taming the monsters with a brave artist's attitude,by simply listening but not too much,apparently immune to the competion's friction,paging the inner mother of invention,and slow and gently printing it on canvas with the amazing mastery of the Old Masters and the easy going charming incantation uniqueness of an experienced contemporary Art wizard.

Jacob Kotsky

situations - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )



Probably talking about Antonio Pessoa's best of is talking about his whole career,for it seems quite obvious that for the past 17 years this artist has no doubt proved
to be a prodigious master of contemporary art.
From 1995 to 2006 he went through amazing changes,always surprising the public in every art show,restlessly keeping on pursuing new formulas of art expression and improving at light speed with the dedication and concentration of someone who doesn't look back,with the self-stimulus of an artist who knows where he's going to and knows he's going to make it.
Antonio Pessoa might change his style here and then but one thing is for sure,he never changes the positive thinking,the straightforward attitude.
Therefore one comment seems to be enough.

Antonio Pessoa is always doing his Best of !

Marc Gilot

no reply - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

ANTONIO PESSOA ~~ The Visual World

The same might be said of his conceptual colors.Here is the jungle,the savannah,the sea or the cosmos,resplendent with colors and shapes,Art in its primal abundance,and sometimes at first we see only chaos,the anarchy of the wild.Look again,however,and a new order begins to emerge,as things that had been hidden from us at first viewing soon begin to reveal themselves.

And again,Antonio Pessoa uses color itself as a foil for his own whimsical investigations into the complex forms that underline the visual world around us.
In so doing,he poses a certain questions: how do the eye and mind interpret what we see,and how does human expression relate to colors own expression?'
Those are complicated questions,but Antonio Pessoa's approach is both serious and playful.
It all begins with a mark of line,for despite years of traditional Art school training as a painter,the direct calligraphic gesture has been at the root of Antonio Pessoa's creative impulse since childhood.

Gaby Hoffman . New York,NY

focus spot - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

ANTONIO PESSOA ~~ Art Fits New Era

It's that concern for movement,wich propels his series of NEW ERA abstracts,art works that reflect a sense of motion and energy.

Antonio Pessoa regards these as analogous to music and the workings of an orchestra in the way he suggests rhythm,while color and shadow give melody.Accents highlight crescendo,and the interior spaces offer rest.

For Antonio Pessoa,his Art fits nearly with his belief that we are all part of a totality in wich everything is part of everything else.

Antonio Pessoa believes in the inter connectedness of life.He sees universe as a kind of web in wich all of our lives are part of the larger system,and therefore no one or the other of us is more important ; we are all vital to it.
We are here to evolve,to move towards the unknown in order to elevate our collective consciousness,in the attempt to become more aware of ourselves and our surroundings.

Gaby Hoffman , New York,NY

contemporary plus - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )


ANTONIO PESSOA - The 21th century Fox

The NEW ERA, Antonio Pessoa 2006 ia a Must,a highly recommendable collection of the artist's latest projects.
It doesn't seem to be pretentious to the point of struggling to show the world something new,whatever that means.

The NEW ERA , Antonio Pessoa 2006,it's a natural effortless display of ideas overflowing in his hiper-creative mind,not only with decorative purposes but essentialy aiming to reach his own perception of emotions through constructive conceptual compositions,pleasant to the eyes and real-genuine to our hearts.

The NEW ERA, Antonio Pessoa 2006 is right now available to anyone who enjoys high quality Art,a collection breaking up with the past but not yet breaking the rules.
For Antonio Pessoa doesn't feel the need to break the rules in order to express himself,he doesn't need to break the rules to gain publicity at all costs.
He leads his life and his work with no need to rush,taking life as it comes and creating on a daily basis as a religious ritual of his own.
Definitely a cool guy in the contemporary Art scene.

Arthur Zimmerman - Salzburg,at